Navigating Careers, Motherhood, and Success

Hi! Welcome to my blog page. I am so glad you found me. I have been working on launching this website for some time now. I am really excited to share a little bit more about myself and how I ended up with a coaching business helping women lawyers skyrocket their careers sustainably without burnout AND with confidence and clarity. 

Today, I am a lawyer coach working exclusively with women attorneys. I also have my own law firm and practice law part-time AND I’m an adjunct professor teaching health law. I’m also an empty nester and successfully launched a human into adulthood.

Let me tell you a little bit more about me. I went to law school as a single parent with a toddler. I like to joke that I always do things the hard way. And that is part of why I have a passion to coach and help other women attorneys. There is no road map for how to become a successful lawyer. We go to law school and graduate full of technical concepts and memorization of the law. We are armed with excellent research skills and critical thinking. But no one tells you how to build a career and navigate the complexities of a successful legal career while simultaneously trying to have a life, be a mom, wife, daughter, and friend.

I have definitely had a non-traditional career path. I went to law school at the ripe old age of 35. With a toddler. My friends in law school were the other parents that hung out in the library where it was quiet because we had kids at home. When I finished law school, I took a role as a litigation associate in a small boutique med mal law firm. From there I have successfully navigated my career as a healthcare regulatory attorney leveraging my prior experience and connections in healthcare administration.  

A few years ago, I started a podcast called “On Her Shoulders” where I interviewed dozens of successful women about their careers. The interviews were authentic and vulnerable conversations where we talked about the real challenges women face and how they found joy in their work.  I talked with MJ Hegar who ran for the US Senate after earning a Purple Heart and Medal of Valor. I had the opportunity to speak with Gloria Feldt who was the national president of Planned Parenthood. These women inspired me to do something different in this next phase of my life.

I realized how much of myself had been lost in the relentless pursuit of my career while also raising a son on my own. I had done things the hard way–without community, without a plan and without real guidance on what a successful law career would look like. Through a lot of self work, yoga and mindfulness practices, and working with my own coach,  I have found greater meaning and authentic connections that were missing in much of my life.

I look forward to working with you to find your north star and begin the journey to a more satisfying, more full, and successful life. 


Limiting Belief